Thursday, February 11, 2010

When Obama continues to show false and misleading ads is this the reason he is failing?

If he would concentrate on issues instead of lies in his attempt to confuse people would he do better in the polls?When Obama continues to show false and misleading ads is this the reason he is failing?

Barack Obama appears to have become intimidated by his handlers.

Barack Obama has started mouthing much of the platitudes of the radical extreme left.

For example during the primaries originally Barack Obama had said that he would invade Pakistan to get rid of the safe havens for Muslim Terorists that are in Pakistan.

Barack Obama received a huge bump up in the polls when he said that .

However invading Pakistan to go after Musli Terrorists is heresy to the radical left.

It appears that Barack Obama's handlers have told him to stop the talk of going after Muslim Terrorists and stick to the standard radical left positions.

There is just one problem. The American People do not want a President who is a member of the radical left.

Barack Obama did best in the primaries when he started sounding like a conservative candidate.

When he reverted to the standard radical left politics he has dropped considerably in the polls.

At this late date it may be too late for him to recover.When Obama continues to show false and misleading ads is this the reason he is failing?
If you want to condemn lying, go after McCain. Even Karl Rove this morning on CNN admitted his TV ads recently were ';one step too far'; and not ';100% truthful';.

What, why is it you Conservatives don't like a strong, black, opinionated man, does that threaten you? Are you afraid there's someone smarter than you out there, with new ideas and vision, that would do a better job? If Obama doesn't fight back, he's considered weak, if he does, he's bashed for ';going negative'; when Republicans do it all the time. Two can play the bashing game, and when both Democrats smoke the Republicans in the debates, we'll see who has the last laugh.
You've confused Obama with McCain. McCain has actually been lying non-stop with his chosen VP in order to win the support of Americans. The saddest part is that he did it while knowing he's in one of the most anticipated elections in history. The media is bashing McCain and Palin so hard that it's embarrassing to watch. Very funny though. As far as my knowledge of Obama lying, well, I don't think he's ever really lied. I'm not saying that he hasn't but I doubt that he has at all. This man has been far more active and fair in his community and addressed every possible demands that we, the people, could have possibly been able to say at all in his speeches for the sake of the he American Public. McCain is doing everything he can to win over the votes he's lost due to jealousy and the desire to win chosing a woman who has had little to no experience in World Economics. Because everyone found out that he's nothing more than a liar and is willing to drop those whom make less than a couple hundred dollars a year as into the category as poverty, everyone's going to go ahead and jump over to Obama because he's the one who wants to end the war and actually restore the American economy which has been overlooked by Bush for the past 8 years. I'm hoping Obama wins. He feel he'll restore the pride of this country and fix our relationships with foreign countries ending wars that could've been easily avoided if Bush exercised common sense.

McCain is nothing but a little puppy following in Bush's footsteps using every means he can to gain publicity. If he would tell the truth, then yes, he would be far more popular in the polls. But eveything happens for a reason. McCain isn't meant to win and I'm glad. It's time we spoke up and we're doing so now. No one ever said that Obama doesn't have flaws. He supports something that I'm against but he's right; what they do to themselves are their own business. I respect that, but am against killing infants.

Maybe it'd be good that we had a black man in office. I admit that the world isn't ready for him, but we all should all just wait and see how he has changed and fixed the American economy.
Your a plant. You avatar is a black woman and your handle is political.

# 2 McCain has sold his soul to get the big Job and has said YES to Karl Rove, Swift Boating, Lying and dirty politics.

Obama never said squat about Palin who's big qualification is ';dressing a moose';. She is up on abuse of power aligations and her so called killing ';The Bridge To No Where';, she was FOR IT and only said she was not after the national heat set in. Than she kept the MONEY!

McCain the reformer? He has flipped on Taxes, Immagration, Drilling and Pro Choice to make the GOP base happy. Maverick? NO.

McCain aids he approves lie about Obama's lipstick comment and that he wants sex Ed for kindergartner's and will raise every ones tax.

If you think the RICE will trickle down the economy to the mid or lower income families you are an idiot. The rich have made LOTS of money the last 8 years with lower taxes, lower capital gain and war profits. War has been good for Cheney....he made 8 million on his halliburton stock alone.

McCain has like 10 Lobbyest on his campaign.

Palin for the first time hired a lobbyest to get 10's of millions for her tiny town with a guy associated with Abramoff! Now palin will not cooperate with the investigation into her abuse of power.

Remember the last 8 yrs. Remember Valerie Plame's husband, and how they blew her CIA coverage to get revenge. Remember Gonzales firing US attorneys that did not prosecute Dems and prosecuted GOP'ers? This is what Palin did, take the law in her own hand and tried to get her Ex Bro in law fired. Supposedly he hit one of the kids. Well there is the LAW, let them deal with it. Besides Palins sister is probably a liar and just bitter.

Palin has told state employees NOT to cooperate and will not release 110,000 emails. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE BUSH?

McCain = Bush = GOP puppets + not too smart
maybe the other side should stop spreading all of the lies鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
I think that his elitism is showing. He thinks the American people are stupid enough to just believe everything they are told without actually researching what is being fed to them.

The truth is that we are smarter than he thinks and we have figured out that what the media says is slanted and many times downright FALSE! That is why we check into things for ourselves.

The lies are going to come back to haunt him. Who wants a president that they can't trust . . . (Remember: ';I did not have s. r. with that woman';).
Please provide examples and context for your assertion.

It seems to me that McCain/Palin have got the corner on the misleading/outright false low brow ads this time.

Tak a look at fact check. Although Obama's campaign isn't free from tarnish. McCain is being far worse.
Jeez... and you don't think McCain lies and misleads with his ads? They're both guilty of it. It seems both sides have a double standard. They both lie, distort, and smear (the McCain campaign even more so) and then cry foul when the other side plays dirty.
Not at all if you went buy that it would mean McLame would be suffering the most!!!

Obama is doing well and going to win the election because most of the people in the country are being effected badly buy the Bush years!!!

No more of the McSame!
As you can see, Dems are still in denial while their candidates boat is sinking.. Obama is like the Pied Piper of Hamlin leading rats to drown in a river.. Fortunately, some ';rats'; are now refusing to listen to his piping
Obama hasn't run any false or misleading advertising. McCain hasn't run any ads that didn't have at least one lie.

I do at least agree that Obama would do better to beat trickle down McCain to death with the economy.
Check out McCain's ads on His ads are even more decieving.
No, it seems everybody likes drama and false information to bludgeon each other over the head with. The ads on both sides are representative of our society.
More misleading than the ';he said lipstick on a pig'; web ads that misquoted Katie Couric from the McCain ';I, too, said lipstick on a pig earlier on in the campaign'; camp?;_ylt=Ah7nbG4vbPA6CyT.NnhJeBPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080915051445AAIGPbI
Can't be that. Even Karl Rove says that McCain's ads are false and misleading.
you bet ye, just like mc cain talks about the issues.
team obama can't deal with a tough woman vp candidate, and are

going down!
I think its more because HIS rhetoric is getting old too.

No politician will change this country.

Only We the People can do that.
What was false and misleading in his ads? i think your getting him
I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure that your ';moral check'; should have caught that slip up.. You meant McCain, right?
You meant to say McCain, right?
give an example?
I think people are waking up. They realize that Obama is nothing but hot air. I'm sure the attacks aren't helping him since he said he wouldn't take the low road.

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