Sunday, February 7, 2010

How many years of false predictions will it take for belief in the Rapture to stop?

It hasn't happened despite 2000 years of people making false predictions. Will people ever stop believing the world is going to end in their lifetimes? Or do people continue to believe because life is too short for most people to realize their own insignificance?How many years of false predictions will it take for belief in the Rapture to stop?
An entire denomination was formed because of inconclusive predictions; you really think belief will stop?How many years of false predictions will it take for belief in the Rapture to stop?
Fundies will keep hoping the world will end because they fail at life. Eventually the world will end by a natural catastrophe like an asteroid or when the sun turns into a red giant and I have no doubt the fundies will claim that as one of their ';predictions'; from the Bible.
It will stop when we finally all evolve away from the belief in primitive religious fables. A century or two perhaps and mankind may finally reach a truly high level of civilization and enlightenment.

Of course, that is assuming the religious fanatics don't kill us all first.
it will take as many years of false predictions as it will take for all holy texts regarding the rapture to become illegiably damaged
They've already been sold the Jesus myth, the Rapture is just icing on the cake. Heavy icing.
when they the church realizes they are wrong in believing that
3 more and id say it'll be over, or we will be

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