Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do we DECIPHER a false prophet and how do we save ourselves from being deceived when time comes?

And also-when Armageddon finally happens, will God's followers die with the wicked ones, or they will watch alongside with God destroy Satan's earthly army?

Help a brother enlighten himself, and shed light to others as well.

Thanks, appreciate it.How do we DECIPHER a false prophet and how do we save ourselves from being deceived when time comes?
Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within. Your Creator resides inside you also. Start talking to the Higher Self within you

and listen for His answers. You won't have to worry about phonies

mis leading you when you talk to God within and listen

for His voice. His voice will all ways tell you things that are good for

all His children. He will never tell you to do or say anything bad about anyone.

No human will ever be that good for you.How do we DECIPHER a false prophet and how do we save ourselves from being deceived when time comes?
A false prophet usually distorts

1) the gospel

2) Jesus

3) God

4) the bible

The number one thing a false prophet does is distort how someone is saved. He may try to say that there are specific things you have to do in order to be saved. The bible is clear that faith in Jesus Christ is what saves....apart from works.

A false prophet will also distort the understanding of who Jesus is. They will say He is not God or that He is not the only way to the father. They may even tell you that you should worship others besides Jesus.

A false prophet will give you wrong information about God's character. God's character is described in the bible. He is loving, patient, and kind, yet full of justice and wrath over sin. Both are true....a false prophet will try to diminish one.

A false prophet will try to add to the bible or tell you that truth can be found outside the bible. A false prophet may change the bible or take verses out of context to try to prove an incorrect point.

That鈥檚 not an easy thing to come by because there are some very delicate answers that can not be understood by the masses even if you explained it to them. Some people will never understand that there is information / knowledge they will never be able to comprehend. That鈥檚 a genetic issue.

When you do, if you do, you will have gone through so many phases in life, that you will not share your knowledge openly or easily. You will not tolerate ignorance but you will have time for those willing to learn. Perhaps?


That leaves about 80% of society totally in the dark.

But that ok, because they dont know it.

You have to seek out the other 20%. Then, though you never will, if you do, you have to then find the 0.1% of that 20% that are willing to give you the time of day to enable you to convince them of your merit.

That鈥檚 not text book.

That my friend is a reality.


As for the rest of your question, well that鈥檚 old time myth.
False prophets can act very much like the devil in that they will take scripture out of chapter context and historical context. That is why we MUST know the word and study it for ourselves and not just take what we are told as truth. Some are very charismatic and you would never ever think that someone like them could be one, but it happens.

When the final days come, God's followers will be spared the final years of tribulation but not all of them. God will cast only the devil and his followers (those who reject Jesus) in to the lake of fire, then they will cease to exist. Hell is not forever and the rapture is not literal
Don't trust in miracles. Trust in life. If you only trust men who are filled with the divine life you will not be misled.

Armageddon as described in the bible is not going to be like the movies. God will rapture His man-child (the stronger part of the body of Christ) to the throne and they will sentence satan and His angels, and God's angels will do the fighting. Jesus will slay the antichrist with the word of His mouth. While God will be fighting with spiritual weapons, the antichrist and His army will be so arrogant that they will try to fight God with man made weapons. But hallelujah Christ is victor!

Also, we are men of life not death. We need to focus on life and not knowledge as some suppose. As John wrote ';And the life was light of men'; I believe His life will be our light in dark situations like this.
God's people will rapture and meet Jesus in the clouds. Then there will be those that are ';Left Behind'; for the tribulation. The tribulation will last 7 years and 1/3 of the earth will perish during that time. It will be a time of plagues, disasters, wars, starvation, etc. If you are left behind, you need to hide and survive and beg God for forgiveness so that when the tribulation period is over, Christ will return to judge. Here is how He judges according to the Bible.

The Dead in Christ will be judged first, (that means all that died throughout the years previously. Then the living in Christ and those not in Christ will be separated. If you are forgiven you have another chance if you won't make heaven God will say ';depart from me, I never knew you';. Thats the heaven/hell judgement.

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